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Is to was and everything in-between


I'm not sure If anyone knows the American dancer Twitch that passed away this week? He was an amazing dancer that I fell in love with while he was dancing on my favourite show, So You Think You Can Dance.

I obviously didn't know him, but you know how sometimes it feels like you do, because you see their faces everywhere. You get used to them. And if you follow them online, it is inevitable that they will scroll across your screen at some point.

These people start to become a part of your everyday.

So, when I heard that he passed away I was so shocked and very sad.

But the thing that made me even sadder but also a little mad was how his entire existence online went from 'is' to 'was' in about 24hours.

An entire life existing only in the past, mere hours after his passing. And yes, I know that's how reporting works and that's how the word works, but it made me think.

One day we will all become a 'was'.

That will be it. All future possibilities will never realise and the things I never did will be nothing more than a missed opportunity.

A was on Wikipedia.

It made me look at my life and ask if I am making the most of my life. Am I where I want to be or am I atleast heading it the right direction?

Am I making a difference somewhere? What would life look like in five to 10 years? And what do I mean to others?

I know this is a bit of a heavy subject with a lotof questions, but it's not all bad. 

This made me realise that even if one day, the record of my existence quite literally depends on the tense that is used, I know that I am currently very grateful and hopeful.

The 'is' and nows of my life  are so important. I need to revel in the present, make new memories, try new things and meet new people. I need to travel more and experience more. I need to try and be the happiest version of myself.

I want my life to mean something to me.

Because one day when my tense changes, I want  to be remembered. And I want to be missed. Because that means that I've added value to the lives of others. 

I want to be valuable. And I want others to be valuable to me.

That is ultimately what I want.

But until then I am going to appreciate and celebrate everything in-between, because how lucky we are to wake up every day and experience life.



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