Life has been crazy since the year started and I've noticed that I've let myself down. I haven't been mindful about alot of things lately and it's time to make a change.
I've been anxious and overwhelmed and I keep putting things off that matter or even more so the things I need.
It's a difficult thing to get to this stage because it means that I've been putting myself last for way too long. I didn't know how bad things were until I stopped and took the time to look at myself and feel everything I've been feeling for such a long time.
I felt like I was drowning on dry land but told myself that I didn't have the time to stop. Because if I stopped I'd have to catch up and just the thought of that made me anxious.
And when my anxiety grows my ADHD tends to shut down my body which then meant I was stuck in a loop of doing nothing and having no control over it. Doing nothing and feeling horrible about myself for doing nothing.
The cycle continued for months or even longer. Who knows. Life's busy and time flies so it could have been years.
And so I've decided that it's time to work on getting back my groove. To restart some of the things I've stopped doing and start a few new ones.
Here is the list:
Mindful eating - Reminding myself that skipping a meal is not an option. My body needs fuel in order to function at it's best. Skip no meals and drink enough water (6-8 glasses per day)
Make time for friends and family.
Waking up a bit earlier to allow myself enough time to not rush. To take some time to focus on the day.
Start exercising again, whatever that means for the day. I need to start moving again.
Set time aside to be creative (15min a day) and read a few pages from a a book before bed (15 min)
Go outside a few times a day to refocus when it's needed.
These are the main things I want to focus on and that will help me be better and nicer to myself.
The six things listed is everything that is a few should be a priority in my life. And from now on I'll try my best to ensure they remain a priority.
I deserve the best of me just as much as I give that to others. The time is now!
This is my mindful mission and it's already started.

Slow down and be kind to yourself. The rest can wait!