The melodramatic millennial will be an ode to myself and my fellow millennials. Not knowing what we were doing most of the time but pretending we do all of the time
For those born in 1992, I am not sure if you've realised, but we have officially entered our 30s. I know you have celebrated your birthdays, but have you truly realised you're 30?
Just checking...
Anyway, being 30 is quite interesting. I must admit, I am enjoying it.
But in saying that, wow, there are a lot of new things.
Also, there's this new feeling. I feel like I should maybe have done more or achieved more by now. And at other times, I feel as if I could change my entire life today if I wanted to.
I have a feeling that navigating this time of our lives will be interesting. No one knows what to expect, but maybe that's the fun part.
I can't wait to see what will happen.
So if you're up for it, join me and let's see what it means to be a millennial in our 30s.