There are a few things that I do that annoy me about myself, and yet I continue to do them. And I probably won't stop either. When you know, you know. But maybe being aware of them is a good thing!
Anyway. There are definitely more than the five I will be listing below, but that is more than enough to deal with for now.
Okay, here we go.
I use basically every single utensil—a tiny bowl, cutting board, spice bottle, pot, and pan—when I cook dinner. So it's as if a tornado ripped through the kitchen, and I'm to blame. And yes, the same applies for making a simple toasted cheese.
When I am writing something important, like a letter or study notes, I will rip out and throw away the page if I've made a mistake and start over on a new page, even if I am almost done. I cannot stand Tippex.
My way of doing certain things is influenced either by what I see others do or by what people tell me. Once I see something, it cannot be unseen, and that's how it will be done from then on. For example, I now cut peppers in a specific way since I saw a video on TikTok. Here's a link to the video.
I struggle to wear what I want because:
People might stare
People's comments
I'll be too overdressed
I'll be too underdressed
It's too tight.
It's too loose.
Too much color
Too little color
I can also binge-watch a series in a matter of hours or days, depending on the number of episodes, and then be disappointed when there are no more episodes to watch.
And yes, I can work on these and get better at them, but will I? Maybe...
If I had to choose one to start working on, it would be number four. It is the one that annoys me most. But it's all part of my amazing people-pleasing skills. Yay me! Nevertheless, I will try. I am sure it will take a while to break the habit because it's been years in the making.
I have a passion for clothes, and it's one of the things that make me most happy.
Some nights I lay in bed before I fall asleep and try on outfits in my head. I am imagining what I will wear the next day. It brings me so much joy.
So yes, I'll try my best.
The other four things are useless causes, and I probably won't work on them at all.
And you know what I think? I am okay with that.